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(More customer reviews)I had read about the X70 prior to the camera's introduction at the beginning of April, but details about the camera were sparse as they usually are when a new camera is about to be introduced, but from what I had seen up to that point, it was a camera I was definitely interested in. It was Pentax's first foray into the megazoom point and shoot field of compact cameras, so I had to find out what it was all about. I ordered it from Amazon on April 2nd, and by April 10, I had it in my hot little hands.
First impression: It was smaller than I expected and a heck of lot lighter compared to other large zoom cameras I've held. Pentax apparently decided to use a lightweight lithium-ion battery instead of AA batteries to cut down on the size and weight of the camera. This has its good and bad points. The lithium-ion battery that it comes with is IMHO underpowered (925mAH) and good for only about 150-175 shots before needing to be recharged, so carrying extra batteries is a must if you plan on doing a lot of shooting. AA batteries would have been more advantageous in this situation because of their availability and cost. Pentax charges $53 for a replacement battery which in my opinion is outrageous for what you get. Fortunately, generic replacement D-Li92 batteries are available from overseas manufacturers for about $7 which are just as good if not better than the OEM model. Pentax should have taken a similar approach to Kodak's Z980 with their vertical battery grip accessory to add more power for the camera.
Ok... enough with the battery soapbox... The features that the camera has are impressive. Pentax, for the first time, includes a dedicated autofocus assist lamp located just to the left of the camera grip and to the right of the lens. The lamp is very bright and can be useful in the dark 10-15 feet away, but can be accidentally blocked by your hand if not careful. The 24x zoom is HUGE in performance and the image stabilization goes a long way in capturing clear shots. It features the usual range of P/A/T/M controls as well a the Pentax green button mode which basically acts like a hyper program which sets your correct exposure and speed no matter what mode you are in, even manual mode. The scene modes are numerous and features such things as flower, portrait, half portrait, sunset, night, etc.... most of which are standard on many other cameras. This camera also features auto exposure bracketing with a range of -/+2EV which is now becoming the norm for the latest batch of new cameras. This will allow a good exposure range for taking HDR photos (3 shots taken at -2EV, 0, +2EV), and processed with an external HDR software processor such as Photomatix.
It also has burst mode shooting, but there are trade offs... You can shoot at 4fps, 6.3fps, and 11 fps. At 4fps, you can shoot up to 7 shots, but the recorded pixels is set at 5MP, and JPEG quality is at 3 stars. At 6.3fps, you can also shoot up to 7 shots, 5MP, but JPEG quality drops to 2 stars. At 11fps, you can shoot up to 21 shots, 5MP, at a quality of 1 star.
Movie mode leaves a little to be desired though. You can use the entire 24x zoom range, but not while you are recording. Only digital zoom is available during shooting, so if you zoom in while recording, you will lose clarity much like you see on those reality cop shows where you view the dash cam, and they zoom in to see detail but it is blocky. The camera features HD recording (720p), but is only at 15fps. At 480i, it's at 30fps. Most likely the reason for the lack of optical zoom while recording has got to be the motor noise that would be audible with the in-camera microphone.
Ok, let's talk about image quality.... in three words, it's damn good. You have 12MP and the lens produces some very good if not excellent shots. High ISO is decent and usable up to ISO 800. ISO 1600 is marginal as to be expected from the small sensor size. Surprisingly, ISO 3200 is better than ISO 1600 IMHO, and ISO 6400 is also available in a pinch. However, at ISO 3200-6400, your recorded pixel size is set at 5MP to improve dynamic range.
All in all, despite some concerns I have about the camera, it appears that it was an excellent choice and one that I will use on a continuing basis to supplement my Pentax DSLRs that I own. There are times where I don't wish to lug around a heavy camera and lens, so carrying a camera like the X70 can be advantageous and still get good quality photos.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Pentax X70 12MP CCD Digital Camera with 24x Optical Triple Shake Reduction Zoom and 2.7 inch LCD
Pentax X70 12MP CCD Digital Camera with 24x Optical Triple Shake Reduction Zoom and 2.7 inch LCD
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